Inventors Listserve

The inventors listserve is open only to the following groups:

1. Primarily, to inventors (representatives of research centers, and the like) who are working on technologies to improve blind navigation.
2. Consumers (blind or visually impaired individuals), who would like to provide feedback to inventors about their research or products, are welcome to join or lead discussions.
3. University staff and their graduate level students (from blind rehabilitation or VI teaching institutions) are also welcome to monitor the list and to comment when they wish.
4. Representatives of companies that have products relevant to blind navigation are encouraged to explain their products and to lead or join in discussions (however, this is not a platform for direct sales).
5. Mobility specialists with an interest in navigation technologies are also welcome to join the list and participate in discussions.

This is not a general discussion list. The topic is specifically about blind navigation technologies. The idea is to encourage broad, innovative, even speculative thinking about potential technological solutions to blind navigation. The question of whether or not these technologies are good, bad, or irrelevant is valid (and there have been many discussions along this vain), but this is a forum where all ideas are welcome and where we are careful not to discourage the inventive spirit.

The inventors list is a joint effort of the Department of Education (Vision Impairment and Mobility) at Michigan State University, and the Institute for Innovative Blind Navigation, located at the Special Needs Vision Clinic in Saginaw, Michigan. This is a closed list (not open to the general public); all members were invited to join. The list is also loosely monitored by Dr. Thomas Hwang at Michigan State University and by Dr. Douglas Baldwin, at the Institute.

The inventors list has a membership that includes representation from various countries, universities, foundations, and private individuals. The membership includes specialists from the United States, England, Sweden, Canada, The Netherlands, Columbia (South America), Russia, Austria, Australia, Czechoslovakia, and New Zealand. Universities include Purdue, Michigan State, Western Michigan University, University of Michigan, University of Toronto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Nemes University. Inventors cover the field from sonification to GPS, from radar tactile systems to laser canes, from ultrasonic glasses to vibratory vests, from signage systems to electronic mapping. Represented (ie. there are members who belong to these organizations) are NASA, The National Science Foundation, the American Veterans Administration, The Royal National Institute for the Blind (England), The National Federation of the Blind, TalkingSigns, Inc., Kaysonics, The Sendero Group, and Perceptual Alternatives. The group (as of January, 2001) has over 80 members.